Hello again! While Jen is back in the swing with the summer art shows, I’m trying to get back in the blog writing swing. Which sounds like a weird place in a playground to be writing. So I’ll start over. Jen and I are vegetarians. The actual vegetable eating ones. I stopped eating meat when […]
Did we mention the rain?
The rain is no excuse for how long I have gone, again, without writing a blog entry. But I am going to start by talking about the wet weather that has been overwhelming us here in Maine. I saw a meme that said it has only rained twice this year – once for 43 days […]
It’s been too long!
You know how you almost never dial your own phone number? Well, it turns out, we almost never look at our own website. I realized that today when I was making sure the online shop and hours were updated. We are kind of low tech, so if we sell something at an art show or […]

A Valentine-y Tale
Once upon a time, on a hill in a saintly city, there were two vegetarians slicing meat in a deli. As is so often the case in stories like this, they were not looking for love. They were in recovery from the lives they had so far lived, and both were content to spin […]

A summer tale
So…for well over a year now, in addition to being half of team JAK, I have been leading writing salons a few nights a week. I provide my group of up to 9 writers of varied experience with a prompt, and we all write for 20 minutes. The results are always a surprise. Last night […]

Excuses, excuses.
It’s been a few weeks since our last Blog post. Mostly for good reasons. We may not have a home yet (we hope to move into our new house in November) but that’s not keeping anyone away. We had a wonderful visit with Jen’s mom and sister, AND our niece Emma who is in college […]

Ok. I really am going to get back to JAK and knits and artists and all that good stuff that is probably why you came to JAK Designs in the first place. But we’ve never waited around for holidays or memorials to give thanks, show our gratitude, or tell you how much we love you. […]

Summer Smiles
I’m really trying to write something every week that’s worth reading. I have big plans to keep introducing you to the artists we work with that make our shop so special. I am going to convince Jen to do some photo and video shoots showing you how we like to wear our wraps and tie […]

Introducing the guys! and other stuff
I took one week off of blog writing, and it feels like a month. That kind of makes sense, though. I never seem to know what day it is any more. Worse than before. Or better, I guess, if you want to get philosophical about time. But that’s for another blog. This is the JAK […]

All the ladies in the house!
JAK Designs is a woman-owned business. If you’ve followed us for more than a minute, you probably already knew that. This was not something we contemplated or worked at, we just are: Two women who started a business. It’s actually not as rare as disparity and discrimination would have you believe. In other words, women […]